Purchasing Goals and Objectives

The Purchasing Department delivers effective and ethical decentralized services. The Purchasing Agents adhere to Local Public Contract Law and related State Laws to ensure compliance is in order with the vendors who do business with the Town.

The Department also identifies opportunities to aggregate goods and services across all Departments and Divisions to reduce cost and determine when it is in the best interest of the Municipality to go out to Bid.

These important spending practices, ultimately benefit the Taxpayers of our Town.

Purchasing Workflow

Using Agency identifies a need for goods or services and estimates the cost, either above or below the bid threshold

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If cost is above the bid threshold, then draft specifications and attach to an RFQ.

If below the bid threshold, enter an RFQ and attach appropriate backup.

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The Purchasing Department will review the specifications and backup and perform appropriate compliance. The REQ may proceed or be rejected back to the initiator

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After the Purchasing Department completes its review, which may include getting a resolution from the Mayor and Council, purchase order or formal contract will be issued
